Enfocus Pitstop
Enfocus PitStop is a family of industry leading PDF pre-flight and correction solutions, allowing print service providers to check incoming PDF files against industry and internal production standards and acts as an essential quality gate ensuring that problem files are detected and flagged before they can get to output.
Enfocus PitStop automatically detects virtually every possible error in PDF files and gives you the possibility to fix them yourself or have it done automatically.
Enfocus PitStop Pro is an Adobe Acrobat Professional plug-in, enabling you to preflight and correct PDF files manually, and to edit almost everything in a PDF file without leaving the Adobe Acrobat application. Enfocus PitStop Server is a hot-folder driven server version for those customers processing large quantities of files and needing automated offline processing.
Enfocus PitStop is also available as a standard integrated module within Ricoh TotalFlow Production Manager, while for TotalFlow BatchBuilder the integrated module or PitStop Server is offered as an option. . This integration allows the pre-flight and correction of PDF files to be carried out as an automated workflow milestone configured and applied directly within the Ricoh TotalFlow solution.

- Funktioner och fördelar
- Implement industry or internal production quality standards
- Automatically check, flag and correct problem files against these standards
- Comprehensive editing tools allow PDF edits and fixes within Adobe Acrobat.
- Available as a fully integrated technology within Ricoh’s TotalFlow solutions.
Benefits:- Catch problem files before they get to print avoiding incorrect output
- Save time and resources and non-billable pre-press time checking and correcting files
- Avoid unexpected or unseen output errors, rejects and missed deadlines
- Improved customer satisfaction and internal quality metrics