Ricoh named a global market leader in Managed Print Services by Quocirca for fifth consecutive year
Analyst firm finds Ricoh’s leadership rooted in “mature service portfolio,” “strong global delivery capabilities” and “broader focus on IT services and business process automation”
TOKYO, August 01, 2016 - Ricoh today announced that it has maintained a leadership position for the fifth consecutive year in the Managed Print Services (MPS) market, according to a report from analyst firm Quocirca entitled “Managed Print Services Landscape, 2016.”1 Ricoh’s holistic approach to providing consistent, high-quality service to more than 4,000 customers of all sizes across verticals and continents has helped solidify Ricoh as a true leader in the space.
In the report, Quocirca notes Ricoh as “one of the few traditional print vendors to have effectively transformed its legacy brand image,” thanks in large part to its focus on “information management, mobility and the cloud” through “an extensive set of services that will appeal to organisations of all sizes.” The report goes on to identify Ricoh’s business process services and expansion into IT services as “strong differentiators.”
“This year, Ricoh continued to see growth in traditional MPS contracts, as well as successfully leveraging its expertise in business process optimisation and information management to grow its customer relationships beyond what is typically thought of as MPS,” said Louella Fernandes, Associate Director of Print Services and Solutions, Quocirca Ltd. “Quocirca recognised Ricoh as a leader among MPS providers because of its strategic acquisitions, multivendor MPS capabilities and wide range of horizontal and vertical solutions, Ricoh continues to not only grow but adapt to stay out ahead of and meet the evolving needs of MPS customers.”
Ricoh delivers its MPS offerings to customers under its Ricoh Managed Document Services (Ricoh MDS) portfolio, and its capabilities are supported by more than 30,000 service professionals globally and five regional MDS competency centres. Ricoh works with its customers to adapt and optimise information processes to boost efficiency and address information security concerns, enabling enterprises to tackle the rising costs associated with an unmanaged print infrastructure.
The report praised RICOH Global Clariti platform, which forms the backbone of all the company’s MPS engagements. The centrally managed multivendor platform enables real-time check-ins on print fleet status, gathering of important data and generation of reports for comparison against benchmarks and SLAs. This comprehensive, transparent, multivendor approach is characteristic of Ricoh’s body of work in the MPS space. Ricoh offers customers a wide range of services including Application Services, Business Process Services, Communication Services, Intelligent Mail Services, Learning Services, Legal Document Processing and eDiscovery Services, IT infrastructure Services, MDS, Production Printing Services, Sustainability Management Services and Workplace Services to help manage their unique needs.
“We are honored to be recognised by Quocirca as a leader in the managed print services space for the fifth year running, and for how their report highlights our efforts to provide end-to-end solutions that transform the way our customers work,” said Carsten Bruhn, Group Vice President & General Manager of Business Services Center, Ricoh Company, Ltd. “We are living in a time of unprecedented workstyle innovation. As what it takes to be a modern, successful business evolves and changes, we aim to work closely with our customers to help ensure they’re meeting today’s challenges and are prepared for what’s to come tomorrow.”
1 Quocirca, Inc., “MPS Market Landscape, 2016”
| Om Ricoh |
Ricoh är en ledande leverantör av integrerade digitala tjänster samt utskrifts- och bildlösningar utformade för att stödja den digitala omvandlingen av arbetsplatser och arbetsytor samt optimera företagsprestanda.
Med huvudkontor i Tokyo når Ricohs globala verksamhet kunder i cirka 200 länder och regioner, stödd av förvärvad kunskap, teknologi och organisatorisk kapacitet som har utvecklats under dess 85-åriga historia. Under det finansiella året som avslutades i mars 2023 hade Ricoh-koncernen en global försäljning på 2 134 miljarder yen (cirka 16,0 miljarder USD).
Det är Ricohs uppdrag och vision att stärka individer att finna uppfyllelse genom arbete, genom att förstå och omvandla hur människor arbetar, så att vi kan frigöra deras potential och kreativitet för att förverkliga en hållbar framtid.
Ricoh Sverige AB har huvudkontor i Solna, Stockholm och egna kontor i Göteborg och Malmö. Ricoh Sverige har dessutom ett omfattande nät av servicepartner, IT-partner och återförsäljare över hela landet.
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Kontakt med media:
Ricoh Europe PLC
Charlotte Fernandez