Ricoh launches wide format Print & Fold solution
Ricoh Europe, 12 January 2016 – Ricoh has enhanced its wide format portfolio with a high speed monochrome “Print & Fold” solution for the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) industries. The new Ricoh MP W7100SP and MP W8140SP wide format multifunctional printers combine high volume and high speed capability. They print at speeds of 10 and 14 A1 pages per minute respectively in 600 dpi with two- or four-roll media stations. Connected to the new online folder Estefold 4211, they offer new productivity and flexibility for the AEC industry and other high volume monochrome users.
The MP W7100SP and MP W8140SP feature an easy handling paper tray and a detachable colour scanner unit that can scan and edit to email, save edited files and scan to portable storage media (USB/SD) or create a digital archive with searchable PDF using the OCR option. The internal Ricoh-embedded digital front end supports PostScript Level 3 (PDF) and AEC formats like HP-GL, HP-GL/2(HP-RTL) and TIFF(CALS).
Ricoh’s Usable Print Utility (PrintCopy tool) allows clients to centralise the management of vast numbers of references and drawings, and supports genuine AutoCAD® formats like DWG and DXF. Its many features include the ability to scan drawings and print them from different devices.
Both systems are compact and can be fully operated from the front. Available peripherals include a multi stacker, double stacker, scanner separation unit and an original hanger to allow a flexible layout that can fit into constrained spaces. In heavy production environments, the detachable scanner option allows several people to perform tasks on the machine simultaneously.
The Estefold 4211 folder from German company ES-TE provides online automatic fan, cross and long plot folding up to six metres. It handles DIN formats as well as custom formats and features a high capacity output tray at a convenient and ergonomic height.
“These solutions expand Ricoh’s support for higher volume AEC clients,” states Graham Moore, Director, Business Development, Ricoh Europe. “The MP W7100SP and MP W8140SP deliver enhanced ease of use, productivity, image quality and reliability and, together with the online folder, offer the perfect “Print & Fold” solution, ideal for the AEC and professional print environments as well as central reprographic departments.”
| Om Ricoh |
Ricoh är en ledande leverantör av integrerade digitala tjänster samt utskrifts- och bildlösningar utformade för att stödja den digitala omvandlingen av arbetsplatser och arbetsytor samt optimera företagsprestanda.
Med huvudkontor i Tokyo når Ricohs globala verksamhet kunder i cirka 200 länder och regioner, stödd av förvärvad kunskap, teknologi och organisatorisk kapacitet som har utvecklats under dess 85-åriga historia. Under det finansiella året som avslutades i mars 2023 hade Ricoh-koncernen en global försäljning på 2 134 miljarder yen (cirka 16,0 miljarder USD).
Det är Ricohs uppdrag och vision att stärka individer att finna uppfyllelse genom arbete, genom att förstå och omvandla hur människor arbetar, så att vi kan frigöra deras potential och kreativitet för att förverkliga en hållbar framtid.
Ricoh Sverige AB har huvudkontor i Solna, Stockholm och egna kontor i Göteborg och Malmö. Ricoh Sverige har dessutom ett omfattande nät av servicepartner, IT-partner och återförsäljare över hela landet.
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Kontakt med media:
Ricoh Europe PLC
Charlotte Fernandez