New Ricoh printhead helps partner build platform for fine detailed visual graphics
Ricoh Europe, London, 03 November 2016 – Ricoh is collaborating with Switzerland-based Signracer Gmbh with its latest industrial inkjet printhead to enable the creation of an entirely new flexible production platform.
Signracer Gmbh chose the RICOH MH5220 as an extension to its existing agreement with Ricoh. The collaboration reflects broader industry demand for advanced high-resolution printing with excellent close-up detail. The smaller 2.5pl native drop size of the print head allows Signracer to offer its customers even finer visual graphics, improved flesh tones and subtle pastel shades.
The print head has a built in heating element that facilitates the jetting of high viscosity ink as well as providing great fluid stability. This provides Ricoh customers with a broad range of potential application, going from labels and packaging to wide format graphics where already new platforms are being developed.
Ricoh introduced the print head at drupa in June 2016 to provide support for industrial partners in meeting market demands. The innovation builds on 30 years of Ricoh printhead manufacturing expertise and an extensive patent portfolio.
Graham Kennedy, Head of Commercial Ink Jet Business, Ricoh Europe, said: “Inkjet innovators need to be supported with the most advanced and robust technology to grow their businesses. They also need to offer their customers increased flexibility with drop sizes, shorter delivery times and finer image quality. The RICOH MH5220 delivers all of this. With a stainless steel construction and anti-corrosion properties for multiple inks, it offers excellent durability and diverse application potential. This is all part of the rapid digitisation of industrial printing to deliver greater flexibility and productivity.”
Ricoh at Inprint 2016
Ricoh will showcase its latest inkjet technology innovations at the industrial print show, Inprint, which takes place at MiCo – Milano Congressi from 15-17 November. At stand E50 inkjet experts will demonstrate the company’s existing inkjet products and new technology. They will also discuss how customers can achieve their specific inkjet goals.
Ricoh’s inkjet business
Ricoh has a long and rich heritage in the world of inkjet technology. This dates back over 30 years and enables it to support a wide variety of inkjet printing systems. The company also supports partners in diverse industrial and specialty markets such as wide format graphics, 3D printing, textile and digital enhancements.
| Om Ricoh |
Ricoh är en ledande leverantör av integrerade digitala tjänster samt utskrifts- och bildlösningar utformade för att stödja den digitala omvandlingen av arbetsplatser och arbetsytor samt optimera företagsprestanda.
Med huvudkontor i Tokyo når Ricohs globala verksamhet kunder i cirka 200 länder och regioner, stödd av förvärvad kunskap, teknologi och organisatorisk kapacitet som har utvecklats under dess 85-åriga historia. Under det finansiella året som avslutades i mars 2023 hade Ricoh-koncernen en global försäljning på 2 134 miljarder yen (cirka 16,0 miljarder USD).
Det är Ricohs uppdrag och vision att stärka individer att finna uppfyllelse genom arbete, genom att förstå och omvandla hur människor arbetar, så att vi kan frigöra deras potential och kreativitet för att förverkliga en hållbar framtid.
Ricoh Sverige AB har huvudkontor i Solna, Stockholm och egna kontor i Göteborg och Malmö. Ricoh Sverige har dessutom ett omfattande nät av servicepartner, IT-partner och återförsäljare över hela landet.
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Kontakt med media:
Ricoh Europe PLC
Charlotte Fernandez