LAVIGNE to accelerate growth with new RICOH Pro™ Z75 B2+ sheetfed inkjet press

LAVIGNE to accelerate growth with new RICOH Pro™ Z75 B2+ sheetfed inkjet press

LAVIGNE, part of France’s CLAIREFONTAINE Group, has chosen RICOH Pro Z75 B2+ sheetfed inkjet technology to accelerate growth and elevate productivity. 

RICOH Pro Z75 B2+

LAVIGNE has chosen RICOH Pro Z75 B2+ sheetfed inkjet technology to accelerate growth and elevate productivity

Today, Ricoh's revolutionary B2+ duplex sheetfed inkjet press with aqueous ink, the RICOH Pro Z75, is the latest addition to the operation’s portfolio of production presses. The RICOH Pro Z75 provides all the benefits of a sheetfed press, but with the low production costs and high productivity of inkjet. It delivers exceptional print quality, quick turnaround times and minimal staff intervention, enabling LAVIGNE to double its production capacity. 

With its patented drying technology, the Pro Z75 speeds up the entire production process by eliminating waiting  time between printing and finishing. In addition, because of its automatic double sided printing capabilities on B2+ format, LAVIGNE will be able to transfer the production of diaries and notepads to this inkjet press . With its wider range of printable paper thicknesses , the Pro Z75 will enable LAVIGNE to provide its customers with an enhanced high quality service, while meeting increasingly tight deadlines.

Sander Sondaal, Director, Commercial Print Sales, Ricoh Europe Graphic Communications, says: ‘Our design engineers have created an extraordinary platform, which combines high ink coverage, efficient B2 duplexing, and an outstanding Total Cost of Ownership that helps to make it ideal for Offset to Digital transition. I'm convinced that the Pro Z75 will make a major contribution to LAVIGNE's development, paving the way for a more sustainable future in this ever changing print market. It offers levels of print quality, output and automation that have never been achieved before. We are delighted with this new collaboration. This is already the second Pro Z75 press to be installed in France by Ricoh's teams, which have demonstrated great expertise in supporting and scaling up this solution.”

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Ricoh Europe PLC
Charlotte Fernandez

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